Saturday 21 June 2008

My Chemical Romance march hit by 'internet terrorists'

"Internet terrorists" have attempted to sabotage the upcoming demonstration against The Daily Mail by fans of My Chemical Romance.

In an apparent attempt to discredit the protest, the group have created a copy of the fans' website with a similar web address.

The false website includes videos incorrectly claiming that the fans will commit mass suicide outside The Daily Mail's offices on May 31, in protest against the paper's representation of emo in relation to the recent suicide of teenager Hannah Bond.

In reality, however, the group will merely protest peacefully outside the newspaper's offices.

The march's organiser Anni Smith told NME.COM: "They're trying to put out really incorrect information to try and sabotage us. We believe [the fake site] is by Anonymous, who are basically internet terrorists. They play really elaborate internet pranks.

"We need to get the message across to people about which websites to look at for the correct information. As well as the official site - - we've got a YouTube channel which will be kept up to date -"

Smith also commented on Gerard Way's recent quotes on the suicide of Hannah Bond and accusations of the band's influence, saying: "It's great to see that, it's reiterating everything that I've always said, it's good to know we're right."